By joining our affiliate program you certify you are at least 18 yrs old, or the minimum age required to view adult content in your state or Country.
If an affiliate account is created with false/misleading information, the account will be terminated without payouts.
We do not accept sites that endorse: child pornography, bestiality, warez, mp3 and password selling or trading, fraudulent credit card activity, hacking or cracking sites, or other sites that contain illegal content, or that engage in, promote or facilitate illegal activities. We also do not accept visitors from websites that contains or imply containing pictures or videos of people under the age of 18 years old, or are representing cruelty and violence. Our links and banners may not be displayed on such kind of webpages and also on webpages that contain the following words in Meta tags, page title, page body or anywhere else in the HTML code: "Lolita", "child", "children", "underage", "pre-teen", "minor", "rape", "bestiality", "incest" or any synonym for the abovementioned words. Any attempt of such kind will lead to immediate termination of your account. reserves the right to deny any webmaster's admittance into our program for using illegal content, if the webmaster is located in a high fraud area, or for any other reason.
We also reserve the right to terminate any account that is engaging in illegal and/or improper activities. These include but are not limited to: invasive promotional methods, chat room hot linking, newsgroup spamming and unsolicited email. We have a strong NO SPAM policy! We will not tolerate these activities and will provide full disclosure to federal and international agencies investigating fraudulent activities. In the event that any of the above conditions exist, we will invalidate all current sales and terminate your account without notice.
You may hotlink our banners or host them on your server.
You may create and use your own text links and banners to promote our site, but they must not be misleading.
You will not use any of our promotional materials or content (ie: free galleries, banners, etc) to promote any other site. will not be held responsible for loss of revenue due to downtimes resulting from complications with our or your network, hosting equipment, technical errors, Visa/MacterCard regulations.
We reserve the right to change the commission rates at any time without prior notification.
We reserve the right to cancel this program without prior notification at any time for any reason we find suitable. In such case you will be notified immediately and paid for all commissions due to that point in time, except in cases where it is determined that you have violated this agreement.
If your account has been terminated for any reason all images must be removed from your sites immediately. reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions from time to time in its sole discretion, without notice or liability to you.